School of
Graduate Studies

Doctoral/Graduate Faculty Lists

Appointment or reappointment to UMKC Graduate Faculty has no university-wide application form. Nominations will originate with the faculty, proceed through departmental channels, and will be submitted to the Graduate Dean through the AU Dean. The Graduate Dean approves these appointments on an annual basis.

Appointment or reappointment to UMKC Doctoral Faculty involves a formal approval form (PDF or Word).

The following lists of active faculty are organized by School, then by department. Click on the department name to access a PDF of the department's currently active faculty. Primary and secondary discipline designations, as well as expiration dates, are listed next to faculty names.


Conservatory - Not Designated

Music Education



Henry W. Bloch School of Management

Accountancy: None currently active

Bloch - Not Designated

Business Administration

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Public Affairs and Administration


School of Dentistry

Dentistry - Not Designated

Oral and Craniofacial Sciences


School of Education, Social Work, and Psychological Sciences

Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education

Curriculum and Instructional Leadership

Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations


Social Work


School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Communication and Journalism

Criminal Justice and Criminology




Humanities Consortium

Media, Art and Design

Political Science and Philosophy

Race, Ethnic and Gender Studies

Religious Studies

Social Science Consortium

Sociology and Anthropology - None currently active

World Languages and Cultures


School of Medicine

Biomedical and Health Informatics

Biomedical Science

Medicine - Not Designated


School of Nursing and Health Studies

Nursing - Not Designated


School of Pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Sciences


Pharmacy - Not Designated


School of Science and Engineering

Architecture, Urban Planning, and Design

Biomedical Engineering

Cell Biology and Biophysics


Civil Engineering

Computer Networking and Communication Systems

Computer Science

Electrical and Computer Engineering




Mechanical Engineering

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
