School of
Graduate Studies

Strategies for Reaching Prospective Students

Students will not apply to a program if they do not know about it, so get the word out! Below are some strategies to boost the visibility of your program.
  • Learn about Best Practices in Graduate Recruitment
  • Develop a Social Media Strategy: 10 Marketing Strategies
  • Obtain students lists (e.g., McNair Scholars) and engage in outreach to prospective students. SGS receives a list of national McNair Scholars each year. Please contact SGS to obtain information about prospective McNair Scholars in your discipline.
  • Work with UMKC Admissions and the School of Graduate Studies to develop messaging via Slate to send to applicants throughout the admissions process. Remember that applicants are often applying to multiple programs, so engagement and proactive communication are great ways to help prospective students choose UMKC.
  • Attend Recruitment Fairs such as ABRCMS (biomedical) or SACNAS (STEM)
  • Develop a discipline-specific graduate boot camp or campus visit days and invite students from around the region and nation to attend. The School of Graduate Studies is happy to partner with academic programs to offer sessions focused on general topics, such as the application process and writing a personal statement.
  • Maximize your program website and search engines.
    • Can prospective students find your program online?
    • Does your website use key words that prospective students are searching?
    • Can they easily inquire about your program?
    • When they do inquire, do you provide information about the application process, including a link to the Admissions page?
  • Engage your Alumni
  • Tell your story
  • Marketing Materials
    • MCOM has created two templates that are available to all programs: the Graduate Brochure (front/back trifold) and Graduate Flyer (one page front/back). Please work with your MCOM liaison to update the text, choose new pictures, and update the contact information.
    • Please keep the UMKC School of Graduate Studies information on all brochures and templates so that students can seek general graduate education information from SGS.