School of
Graduate Studies

Graduate Officers Committee

The Committee of Graduate Officers is the body which coordinates the procedural aspects of graduate studies on the campus. It implements policies established by the Graduate Council and serves as the day-to-day link between the School of Graduate Studies office and the academic units.

The committee is composed of the Graduate Officers of the academic units. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies chairs the Committee and forwards recommendations to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

The Committee of Graduate Officers holds regular meetings and determines its own procedures.

Graduate Officers Committee Responsibilities

  • Coordinates procedures and administrative matters among the various academic units offering graduate studies.
  • Reviews graduate course additions, changes, and deletions to check for duplications and impact on other programs.
  • Approves academic unit standards regarding admission and retention of graduate students.
  • Makes recommendations in such other administrative and procedural matters as are referred to it, including such matters as are assigned to the individual Graduate Officers by the respective academic dean or program director.

UMKC Graduate Officers Committee Members

  • School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Alex Holsinger
  • Conservatory of Music: Andrew Granade
  • Libraries: Jen Salvo
  • School of Science and Engineering: Karen Bame
  • School of Management: Arif Ahmed
  • School of Dentistry: Mary Walker
  • School of Education, Social Work and Psychological Sciences: Carolyn Barber 
  • School of Computing and Engineering: TBD
  • School of Law: Jeff Thomas
  • School of Nursing and Health Sciences: James Spence
  • School of Pharmacy: Gerald Wyckoff
  • School of Medicine: Julie Banderas
  • Chair: Stephen Dilks, Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies
  • Administrative Liaison: Nancy Hoover, School of Graduate Studies